Joseph is a digital creative based in Singapore. He specializes in data-driven visuals, interactives, and explorations.

His more than four years of experience in designing and developing interactive content for newsrooms, along with three years as a hardware engineer, gives him a unique perspective on both the digital and physical aspects of interaction.

He is a strong proponent of continuous learning. He earned a Master's Degree in Visual Tools to Empower Citizens from the University of Girona and completed a six-month internship at Interactive Things, a Swiss UX and data visualization design studio. His newsroom works earned awards including his portfolio which won an Award of Excellence from the Society for News Design in 2022.

Areas of Expertise

Featured Projects

Untitled Database

All Projects and Experiments

My projects

Work Experience

His previous roles and collaborations with companies

Work Experience


Degrees at institutions that helped him hone his crafts as a professional

Untitled Database


Areas where he continuously develops specialized knowledge and experience over time

My Disciplines

Contacts and Profiles

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Public profiles

Tools and Awards

Tools and Technologies

Awards and Recognitions